12 December 2011

Xmas Give Away (Spreading the Xmas Cheer!)

As some of you may have already heard through our tweets and Facebook posts, we have been hard at work the last month, on some Christmas treats...

Some beautiful, letterpressed Christmas cards, and beautiful they are too. Designed by Leaff, and letterpressed by the lovely Martin at Tilley Print

Not wanting to give too much of the design away just yet, we have specifically only shown the creation of the cards, and some glimpses, here.

The treats were designed as 'teasers', ahead of the launch of our shop in the New Year. They were handed out in person to local businesses, and posted out to a selection of inspirational companies, to show our support and spread the Christmas cheer.

We did however make a few extra, in order to offer our lovely audience the chance to win a pack of their very own. There are no questions to answer, no pressure to follow us on Twitter and no insistence to like us on Facebook; all you have to do, is head over to our Shop and give us just a few details. If you are lucky enough to be one of the first 15 people to do so, then a Christmas treat will surely be on it's way to you!

Good luck!


  1. Kaitie - HOW exciting. Lovely collection of photos - it all looks lovely, whatever it is!!

  2. Thank you Charlotte! As a lovely client of ours, you have a special package of 'it' in the post to you as we speak! Hope you enjoy x

  3. I am loving your ideas and I have no doublt of recommending you to any of my clients. I hope that we can do business in the near future.
    Presentation Plus Events

  4. Hayley - thank you so much for your lovely comment. I am so pleased that you enjoy our ideas, and that you feel you'd like to recommend Leaff - that is really great. We would love to work with you at some point too, of course, that would be lovely.


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