02 August 2015

Leaff Turns 5 // In the Studio

It is a belated Birthday announcement, but one that means perhaps more than it ever has before. On the 26th July 2015 we turned 5, and if I hadn't been licking my wounds after chemo for the last week, we would've been all over this! Alas, the light is back in my days now and this year we celebrated with a quiet yet profound chink of our bubble-filled glasses, and a deep appreciation of what we have, and what is ahead.

This time in 2 weeks I will be beginning my recovery at last, and so it is with great relief and excitement that we have plucked our 'paused trading' sign down from our homepage, and turned off our auto-responses. We are now very much taking bookings for our re-opening in September!

Hip, hip, hooray!


  1. Dear Kate and Jay - lovely, lovely news to spot on a Monday morning. Well afternoon (how did that happen). Rudolph and I are raising a non-bubble-filled but celebratory mug of coffee to you both... xxxxx

    1. Thanks so much Charlotte, hope all is well with you - will be in touch shortly xxxxx


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