23 August 2011

Objects of my Desire

Firstly I must apologise for the non-existent post last week. I do have very good reason however, in the form of a very tight deadline! I do hope that this post will more than make up for it.

I have been kept very busy these last few weeks with some really outstanding projects, that I feel very lucky to be working on. Projects like these inspire me in every aspect of my life, as well as my work. Needless to say, these projects have certainly inspired this weeks post, which shares a mass of unique and wonderful objects by some really fantastic creatives.

A potent mixture of fantastical, magical, quirky, festive and downright cute, each and every one of these things sparks my imagination in some special way. With Autumn knocking on the door, this all just feels so fitting, and I can't help but get excited about what is to come, for Autumn is my most favourite of the seasons; the colour, the wildlife, the chill, the magic and of course, Christmas right on the doorstep.

You can find all of the links to the amazing shops that sell these beautiful products below! They are either links to the shops of the makers themselves, or the fantastic people who bring them to the masses, and I would like to personally thank each and every one of them for supplying me with such a delicious feast this Tuesday morning.

From top to bottom (left to right)

Little Marvels Shadow Casters - from Cottontails Baby, by Moulin Roty www.cottontailsbaby.co.uk
Vampire Boy Brooch Pin - from Little Nore by Heidi McDonald, www.etsy.com/LittleNore
Spooky Parade Cupcake Wrappers - from Belle & Boo, www.belleandboo.com
Embroidered Magnets - from Jenny Arnott Embroidered Textiles www.jennyarnott.co.uk
Wagtail Weekend Bag - from Little Moose, by Disaster Designs www.littlemoose.co.uk
Bunny Egg Cosy - from Caroline Watts Embroidery www.carolinewattsembroidery.co.uk
Lavender Bags - from Charlotte Macey Textiles www.charlottemacey.co.uk
Snow Circus Print - from Bumpkin Bears by Catherine Young www.etsy.com/Bumpkin
Hot Water Bottle Covers - from Catherine Tough www.catherinetough.co.uk
Wooden Weather Vane - from Cottontails Baby, by Moulin Roty www.cottontailsbaby.co.uk
Seasonal Cushion - from Belle & Boo, www.belleandboo.com


  1. Thanks so much for featuring my Print Kate! what a stunning collection of items, I'd love them all and feel thrilled to be part of them. Catherine x

  2. Lovely collection of things Katie - lots of my favourites in there.

    I adore Catherine Tough stuff... came across her hot water bottle covers years ago and have wanted one ever since. Twice I have put one on my Christmas list (which goes to my mum) and twice my dad has thwarted it on the grounds of expense... yes they cost a fortune but wouldn't they make every night special! I can see I'm going to have to buy one for myself...

    Thanks for including the weather vane and puppet shadow maker thingies. And the cupcake wrappers made me smile - you will recall my ordering debacle last year. Have only just sold out of my load!


  3. Catherine - You are very welcome, I am so pleased that you enjoyed it! x

  4. Charlotte - You are very welcome too! Glad you enjoyed it! Yes the hot water bottle covers are gorgeous aren't they? Definitely going on my Xmas list! I love your weather vane and shadow makers.... so amazing! Oh yes I had completely forgotten that you sold those cupcake wrappers! I thought they looked familiar! He he! xx

  5. what a lovely post and thank you for including my cheeky little Vampire Boy Brooch :D
    A lovely collection that you have put together, i love the weekend bags from Little Moose and am a fan of Charlotte Macey textiles. The bunny egg cosies are adorable.

  6. You are welcome Heidi and thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment - always love to hear what people think! So pleased that you enjoyed the post - if I could have them all I would!


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