18 January 2013

Baby Leaff - 'The Plan'

As requested by a few of our lovely fans: The most recent picture of bump, taken last month.

It is officially 2 weeks today until my due date, and I am feeling like it is the right time to release this post and outline 'The Plan' for what will happen at Leaff when the time comes. We have touched on 
this before in a previous post, but we really wanted to give full details so that everybody knows what 
is happening.

The Vital Moment

As most of you probably already know - either from previous posts or our Facebook and Twitter pages - I am still working like the clappers, and am not planning to stop until I actually go into labour. When this vital moment comes, Leaff will immediately shut, and will stay shut for the 2 weeks following. These 2 weeks will obviously be the beginning of my maternity leave and will complete Jay's paternity leave.

There After

Once the 2 weeks are up, Leaff will re-open, and Jay will be taking the reins. Having said this, Jay will only be in the studio for 1 day a week, which will be the time he will use for corresponding and working on projects, so our availability will be reduced quite significantly.

Business will be very much as usual however, where we will continue to take on projects, but just not quite as many. As long as deadlines can be flexible and we are realistic with the time we have to work 
on projects, then everything should run pretty smoothly.

As for me, I will have a set amount of 'work time' that I can use during my leave, but I will really be taking a back seat entirely until I find my feet at least. I will still be overseeing things, and working as a team with Jay, but this will be very much in the background.

The Future

I am entitled to up to approximately 39 weeks maternity leave, and whether I take all of that or not remains to be seen, but what I do know is that Leaff will continue to grow and flourish no matter what I decide and how long I take. We will endeavour to keep you all informed of developments and changes as and when they happen of course, and you will by no means be seeing the back of me, since I fully intend to use my time to blog as often as I can, and to keep in touch on Facebook and Twitter alongside Jay.


  1. So excited! I hope to see a few baby update blog posts. Best of luck for your most important project yet! Being a mummy!!! xx

    1. Thank you so much Jess - our most important project yet indeed! We are so excited, you wouldn't believe! I will indeed be giving updates - I really appreciate your support xx

  2. Kaitie you're looking so well... Pregnancy certainly does suit you!!! Great to hear Leaff will continue to flourish whist you are away. Thanks for this info!!! I wish you so much happiness and can't wait to welcome your bundle of joy into the world : ) Take care XxX

    1. Thank you Stephanie, that is so kind of you to say! I think I'm going to miss being pregnant you know - it has been such an amazing journey - but of course at the same time we cannot wait to meet our little angel! I'm so glad to hear the information was helpful too, that is great. Keep in touch won't you - we certainly aren't going anywhere! xxx

  3. Aaah, dear Kate. You never fail to amaze me with your organisation - you are such a star and a constant source of inspiration to me. If I could be only half as organised as you I'd be happy!

    I don't have children, as you know, but come into contact with lots of new mums and the pattern seems to be that life just stops for a while when baby arrives, so it is brilliant that you have are already planning the time and space for yourself.

    Sending all best wishes, luck and love to you from Cottontails...


    1. That was such a lovely thing to say Charlotte - thank you so much for such kind words, and I feel so humble to be such an inspiration to you.

      Absolutely - I've been feeling like it is so hard to predict how things will go or how they will feel, and it is such a precious time in our lives, that we want to get it right with our decisions. We want to be the best parents that we can be, so if that means slowing down a bit with Leaff then so be it. I think we have enough passion for Leaff to ensure it continues to move forward no matter what we do!

      Thank you again for such amazing support - it is clients/friends like you lot here that make Leaff what it is today, and you are each thoroughly appreciated.


  4. Kate you look beautiful, im very excited for you and J
    Wishing you all the best with your new arrival and enjoy every moment as the time just flys
    Take care
    Ness x

    1. Vanessa! Thank you so much for your lovely comment, it is so kind of you. The pregnancy has just flown by, so I can only imagine how fast it will go when baby is here - to enjoy every moment is right, and I think that is really sound advice x


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