20 April 2012

Dancing in the Rain...

This crazy weather has got me all excited - I know most people like to complain about the heavy rain / hail - but honestly? It inspires me. It makes me want to watch it, hear it and feel it all at once. It makes me want to run out and dance in it...

Oh how I would love to own these things - they are a recipe for a great day out - and perhaps even an adventure! But really, I'm quite happy to just look at them, and feel excited by their enthusiasm.

• Seaside Raincoat, $375 - Lizz Basinger Designs
• Design an Umbrella Kit, $16 - Pomme
• Water resistant French Messenger, $59 - ikabags
• Windy Day Dress, $59 - Wild Things Dresses
• Travel Planning Dress, $72 - ModCloth

All imagery borrowed from the sites of the owners (linked above).

P.S. I think I will do more posts like this - I'm inspired by things like this every day, but I never think to share them because they are so random.


  1. Gorgeous - especially that dress - and yes let's have more random things posts!

    We are in the middle of a massive cloudburst right now. The ducks are quacking about outside, they love it.


    1. Thank you Charlotte - it is so great to hear how this post has been received! Yes, the dress is divine, and the coat just makes me want to cry! I'm glad you enjoyed them and I can't wait to share the next lot of goodies next week now - I just want to post them all at once!

      Wow, yes, it has been pretty crazy hasn't it?! We have had ferocious hail storms followed by tranquil sunny patches. Delightful madness! I bet the ducks are thoroughly enjoying the rain - but the hail we had earlier would've sent them all for cover, I'm sure - I bet it would've stung! x

  2. I'm glad you're a fan of rain! I love it....

    Caroline x

  3. I'm so pleased that you love it too Caroline! I thoroughly enjoy all of the seasons that we are lucky enough to experience - I can't imagine not having them x


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