18 April 2012

Leaff at the Fair

I thought it would be nice to share some pictures of Leaff at the Worcester Baby & Children's Fair last Saturday. As I have already declared on Facebook, we had a whale of a time - we met some really lovely people and local business owners alike, and it felt so great to introduce Leaff to some new faces.

Our table at the fair (and me, clearly in my element!)

We filled our table with the products from our Shop, and examples of our commissioned stationery service. Our 10 packs of cards were packaged up carefully, and filled our basket to the brim - it felt like Christmas! Individual cards were placed in biodegradable cellophane, and we proudly displayed our little robin card - 'Magic Little Christmas', which is soon to be reprinted for release into our Shop in September. Incidentally, if you are not yet subscribed to our mailing list, and would like a friendly nudge when these Christmas cards are released, just pop an email over to us with 'Subscribe' in the message field, here.

Our stall was right next to our lovely friends at Laura Elizabeth Cakes, who spent the whole day dishing out bite-sized cake samples in scrummy flavours - thank you again girls, you made it like a party in there! Peppa Pig did the rounds, and there were some awesome examples of face painting on excitable passing children - which was all in aid of Acorns.

So all in all, it was a very fun, very productive day, which we thoroughly enjoyed. A huge thank you to the organisers of the event, Cheerful Cherubs, and big waves to the other local businesses that we were lucky enough to meet at the fair - it was so great to meet you all.


  1. Gorgeous! Love your set up for the market. You look so relaxed!

    1. Thank you Mandi - I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me your thoughts! I'm really pleased that you like the set up, and yes I guess I was very relaxed - I am easy going really, and we were surrounded by such lovely people!

  2. Love that photo of you Kaitie - happiness!

    Hope it was really worthwhile with lots of leads etc.. Fairs are funny things aren't they? I used to do the odd one (even did a couple of the Guildhall - many years ago when I first opened the shop) but never really found they worked for me - read a post I wrote here which explains everything... http://blog.cottontailsbaby.co.uk/2008/12/ragley-hall.html !!)

    Must be REALLY nice to be able to do it with Jay though - something quite lonely about being on your own at an event like that. AND nice that you create things and don't just sell them - people always said to me 'Oh! Do you make them!' (followed swiftly by 'I'm afraid I don't have any children to buy for' and wandering off to a jewellery stand!!) and I always had to say no :(

    Anyway, hope it was good fun AND some sales and leads too!


    1. Charlotte! Thank you for your lovely comment.

      Yes, they are funny, and after reading your post about your experiences, I can understand your thoughts about selling. I too hate the tactic of pushing things on people, and prefer to sit back and let them browse in comfort - it always puts me off when people pressure me for a sale.

      It was great fun to have Jay with me, yes. I can imagine it must be hard when you are on your own, but you did well to give so many a try. We don't often do things like this, but we always find it really great for getting Leaff out into the community - bookings or no bookings / sales or no sales. We met a lot of really great people at this fair, who may very well turn into future clients, but regardless, we have made new friends and connections!

      I hope that you are feeling better this afternoon x


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